Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Asus Eee Keyboard Delayed

Asus Eee Keyboard Delayed

The Asus Eee Keyboard wireless broadband modem a device that many people actually harbor hopes of holding it in their own hands come this August, but it seems as though the device won't make it at that month with Asus holding it back while satellite internet service debate on which niche this is supposed to fit into. Pretty confusing, this, considering Streamyx Combo this January at CES, Asus executives already had a pretty good idea on how to position the Eee Keyboard that boasts wireless HDMI connectivity internet lock a 5" touchscreen display. Well, guess this episode teaches us the virtues of patience.

Permalink: Asus Eee Keyboard Delayed from Ubergizmo | Hot: Wii, PS3 and Natal Motion Sensing

Xbox streamyx adsl repairs for freezing (i.e. red ring of death) Xbox 360s is not a joke. If you think you can just wrap your petaling jaya hotels in a towel, overheat your system, and your Xbox 360 will be fixed...think again.

Here is what is causing the red ring of death...and why towel Xbox 360 repairs only make it worse...

The whole problem with red ring of death Xbox 360s is heat. As the motherboard heats up (and it can reach temperatures of over 100*C) it vibrates. These vibrations cause a loosing of the soldering which holds the GPU (graphics processing unit). As the soldering comes loose, so to does the GPU. Once the GPU becomes loose enough the system freezes and you get the red ring of death.

As you can see the GPU comes loose as a result of heat. Adding more heat is only going to make the problem worse. Also if you read about Xbox 360 repairs that involve hair dryers or hitting your system, you should be able to tell now that these "Xbox 360 Streamyx Broadband are just wrong.
You should know...

Microsoft is actually responsible for this problem, and they admitted it in an tm broadband announcement in July 2007.
The problem is a design flaw. To make room for the DVD drive, they decided to shrink the LSI heat sink. The heat sink is the cooling unit however, and it doesn't keep the motherboard cool enough. Sadly, over 500,000 people need Xbox 360 repairs.
The new elite model is supposedly better designed, and the motherboard does not flex as much as the earlier models.

OK, I need an Xbox 360 repair, what do I do? Will the red ring of death just go away on it's own if I leave it?

Firstly, your system will not fix itself, and by that it means you can't just leave your system alone and hope the problem will go away. Once you get the red ring of death, you will need repair your system to make the problem go away.

Thankfully, Xbox 360 repairs are fast (less than an hour), permanent (you only need to do it once, if you do it right), and they aren't complicated. You do not need technical tools or experience for Xbox 360 repairs. There is a step by step video repair guide available at the end of this about streamyx that will take you through the whole repair process.

Xbox 360 repairs in a nut shell

Here is an overview of what you need to do to fix your system and stop those annoying red lights.
1. Take off the face plate and cover

2. Remove the motherboard and heat sink

3. Put a spacer (washer) between the heat sink and motherboard

4. Clean off the GPU

5. Put it back together
It isn't rocket science, and literally anyone can do this.

Putting it all together

Now you know Xbox 360 repairs are not complicated, and anyone from 10 to 80 could do this and if you would like, there is an Xbox 360 video repair guide available at the end of this article.

Xbox 360 red lights are extremely annoying, and the problem will not go away on its own. Crack pot fix methods that use towels, heat, or hitting your Xbox 360 will make the problem worse. Interestingly enough, 94% of red light error Xbox 360s don't need new parts---they just need a little tweak to get them up and running.

Don't be held prisoner

The last thing you should do is nothing. If you absolutely will not perform Xbox 360 repairs yourself, you can send it in to Microsoft. It will take 4-6 weeks and cost $140. Not the best option, but still better than doing nothing.

Playing your system knowing it could freeze any second is beyond frustrating. You can't play multiplayer games without that nagging fear of dropping. Plus you are in constant fear of losing progress.

Now that you are aware of the problem, you can do something about it. Whether you fix it yourself or send it in, do it! Don't let a freezing Xbox 360 ruin you game time!

Best of luck with your Xbox 360 repairs!

Here is your EASY step by step video guide so you can permanently fix your Xbox 360 red light errors!
Click here to get back to gaming today, and fix your red lights problem once and for all. Don't pay a $140 repair bill and wait months to get it back-don't let your Xbox live membership go to waste!

Home repairs are safe and easy, and this guide is going to show you everything you need to do to, step-by-step, to fix red lights. Get back to "freezing-free" gaming today! Click here to gain access to an EASY step by step guide (with videos) that will get your Xbox 360 up and running in under 1 hour---GUARANTEED. Remember: 94% of red light error Xbox 360s don't need new parts!

Click here to gain access your step by step repair guide and get red light error Xbox 360s up and running in less than an hour!

Anthony is an avid gamer and bought his Xbox 360 the day it launched. Sadly his Xbox 360 was full of problems that needed fixing.