Friday, May 22, 2009

Russia Escalates NATO Missile Defense Shield Controversy With Non-Ballistic Mobile Launchers

Well, they said it would happen, pandora internet radio the hotel Administration would be challenged malaysia streamyx com immediately streamyx usb he was elected, still the American People somehow either did not buy into that line of thinking or considered it political posturing from the Republicans. This is rather silly considering that it was internet speed Biden the Vice President Elect who made the first major media warning on the issue.

Not more than 24-hours after Obama was elected Russia announced that it was sending in the latest generation of stealthy short ranged missiles up against its borders to make the "missile defense" shield for NATO worthless. And mind you Russia is sending in 5 florist malaysia brigades, so this is dsl modem little matter, all equipped celcom broadband wireless malaysia the Iskander-M Series Short Range mini-capable stealth missiles. They also have long-range ICBMs that might be nearly impossible to shoot down if a swarm strategy is used.

Interestingly enough, it was Joe Biden who told the world prior to the election that; "Israel will have to get use to a nuclear weaponized Iran." And Iran now has enough nuclear material to make a nuclear weapon and has Chinese and Russian missile technology that would allow for missile delivery of up to 1250 miles, perhaps more. And Iran has invested heavily on a new base at the inlet to the Persian Gulf.

Meaning Iran can hit parts of Europe and Israel and the US Bases in Iraq or even annihilate the "Green Zone." The Vice President Elect says we can negotiate and use passive diplomatic solutions. Obama says he would meet with Hugo Chavez, President of Iran, North Korea, and Cuban Dictator Raul Castro, etc.

Indeed, I guess the next question is can President Obama jobs in malaysia this or will he rely on Prozac to help keep him calm as he votes "present" as the missile fly? Please think on this, as I am voting zero confidence in this new President and cable isp his policies will either get cheap internet access into an escalating war or render us useless as Super internet tv channels and leaving our NATO allies high and dry.

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